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January 8, 2014
Town of Princeton    PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  January 8, 2014

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman, Ann Neuburg and John Mirick with Richard Bisk absent.

Administrative Business
Reviewed/Approved Dec. 18 Regular Meeting Minutes; Reviewed Mail

New Business
Board discussed what will be required in NEADS site plan review, scheduled for Jan. 15. Engineering detail and storm water calculations not required in site plan; looking at boundary buffers, driveway/parking layouts and exterior lighting.

Old Business
7:40 PM  Worcester Road project – Discussed proposal and warrant article for Village Overlay District as crafted by John M., with inclusion of some comments submitted by Rick McCowan. Tom D. extended thanks to John M. for drafting proposed bylaws for Worcester Road. Jon F. recused himself from discussion on Worc. Rd. Village Overlay District (VOD). Tom suggests adding “mixed use” to description and add the Master Plan objectives as part of the text. Group decided that within VOD, any mixed use on one lot or building, requires special permit, which also mandates site plan review. Board noted that site plan review does not require public hearing process unless PB decides it’s called for because of scope of project. Tom pointed out that almost certainly the large parcels remaining will be built out as residential. Ann had noted that a VOD would considerably expand opportunities to develop the backland of those larger parcels. Question came up about dedicated parking for a residential portion of a mixed-use lot. Board wants to know square footage of existing commercial buildings such as P.O. Place and Mountain Barn, for comparison and to determine maximum areas. Fire chief will be solicited for a minimum distance between buildings. Board agreed that the PMLD lot should be converted into Bus. zone as a separate article. CMRPC (Chris Ryan) will be asked about standards for parking and buildings as percentage of lot space, as well as setbacks for parking, buildings, driveways and walkways. Tom distributed a budget proposal from CMRPC.

8:50 PM  Discussed specifications for Accessory Apartment square footage. All agreed that the subordinate residential unit is set as no more than one-third of the total living area, whether or not the accessory apt. is attached to the primary housing unit or in a separate structure. In cases where the accessory aprt. May be in a structure that’s larger than the main housing unit , such as a converted barn, the two bedroom maximum would become the limiting factor.

Board agreed to continue discussion on zoning changes to Jan. 15 and nail down text for a VOD. Also on the 15th, consider Town Annual Report which Marie is compiling for the PB.

9 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  Worcester Road Village Concept list of possible Overlay components.  Scope of Work budget proposal from CMRPC; Emailed document with outline of comments from Rick McCowan.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department